US envoy welcomes appointment of Gavan as new PCG commandant

MANILA, Philippines —  United States Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson welcomed the appointment of Admiral Ronnie Gil Gavan as the 30th commandant of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG). “Hardy congratulations to Admiral Ronnie Gil Gavan — the 30th commandant of the Philippine Coast Guard! We wish Admiral Abu well in his retirement and look forward to continuing our strong partnership with @CoastGuardPH under Adm. Gavan’s leadership,” Carlson said in a post on the social media platform X over the weekend. Gavan’s appointment was announced by Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista during the Change of Command Ceremony at PCG National Headquarters in Manila on October 19. He was one of the five candidates for the position following Admiral Artemio Abu’s retirement after 35 years of service.  RELATED STORIES: Admiral Ronnie Gil Gavan named new commandant of PCG Senators, envoys deplore latest China aggression in WPS gsg

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