Manila Water shares best sustainability practices at 29th PWWA Conference 

  MANILA, Philippines – By integrating sustainability in its operations, Manila Water has been successful in improving and expanding its services in line with the achievement of the Sustainability Development Goals of the United Nations. During the plenary session of the 29th PWWA International Conference and Exhibition held earlier this month in Bohol, Manila Water President and CEO Jocot De Dios presented the company’s unwavering commitment to sustainability, centered on protecting the environment, helping communities thrive and building a culture of trust and care among its employees.  Manila Water considers the successful maintenance of its Non-Revenue Water (NRW) within the average 25% NRW standard set by the World Bank as one of its biggest feats in protecting the environment and ensuring water security for its customers. In the East Zone, Manila Water has kept the NRW at an average of 12-13% and hopes to replicate its efforts in the Non-East Zone. “It did not happen overnight, but what resonated with me is that it’s not just technology, it’s about your systems and your people who man the technology and the system. Also, through employee accountability and community relationships, we have our champions or community leaders, we walk the line with them, we listen to them,” says De Dios. With the efficient use of natural resources and materials, Manila Water was able to recover 3.81 million cubic meters (mcm) backwash, treat 76 mcm of wastewater which resulted to 55,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) avoidance, recycle of biosolids as soil conditioner or raw material for waste-to-energy facilities, and transition to net zero through the purchase of renewable energy and the use of solar power and e-vehicles.  De Dios also underscored the importance of collaboration among stakeholders in the water industry in creating a shared and long-term value in the water situation in the Philippines. “Together, and I think it’s a fair statement, only if we are working in step together, are we able to really educate our respective publics about the true value of water in this country and how we need to try to elevate the profile of the issues facing the industry.” shared De Dios. Currently, Manila Water has been delivering more than 1.6 million cubic meters  of potable water daily to its 12 million customers in the Philippines, from 9 cities and 14 municipalities in the East Zone of Metro Manila and Rizal, and 10 provinces in

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