Families of OFWs killed in Israel war get P500,000 each as aid — Romualdez

MANILA, Philippines — The family of the three overseas Filipino workers who died during the Israel conflict will each get financial aid worth P500,000, House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez announced on Wednesday. Despite the assistance, Romualdez acknowledged that the financial aid will not be enough to comfort the families. The Speaker personally met the family of caregiver Paul Castelvi, who was killed after Hamas militants launched a surprise aerial, land, and water attack in Israel on October 7. “No amount of assistance can truly compensate for your loss, but we hope this small gesture will help assuage your grief and alleviate some of the financial burdens you are facing during this difficult time,” Romualdez told Castelvi’s family. “We stand in solidarity with our fellow Filipinos who, in search of a brighter future, found themselves in the midst of a conflict not of their own making,” he said. “We honor the memory of our brave OFWs who paid the ultimate price,” he added. Romualdez was accompanied by Deputy Speaker, Pampanga 3rd District Representative Aurelio Gonzales Jr. and Pampanga Governor Dennis Pineda in the visit to Castelvi’s family. The family resides San Fernando, Pampanga. The Speaker’s said Castelvi, 42, was married to Jovelle, who is also a caregiver in Israel. Reports said Jovelle is pregnant, and is scheduled to give birth in November. RELATED STORIES: Israel strikes and seals off Gaza as Hamas vows to execute hostages  Israel and Palestinian war: What you need to know right  APL

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